Book-scented candles, Margaret Atwood beermeister, Film Festivals, London Ontario as serial killer-ville, Marilyn Monroe in psychiatric hospital: Cultural Digest August 28
Mags' brew
This creeps me out just a bit but if you're really crazy about books, you can now make your entire place smell like books with book-scented candles. I can't imagine old pages of Shakespeare are creating this smell; I'm sure it's chemicals made in some laboratory somewhere. Ik.
Speaking of film, the MWFF, which opened yesterday, continues to rile controversy as Denis Coderre, Montreal's mayor, asks Losique (the Festival's long-time director) to step down. The Festival has pulled off an almost unheard of feat in Canada: putting on a festival this year and last with no government funding at all (469 films in total) after varying levels of government refused to support the Festival (after some fishy accounting possibly). This links to the story in French.
Glad you liked my review of "Murder City." Thanks for linking it!